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Come uso le altre piattaforme 

I opened my channel in 2010 to upload my band's songs. From 2014 I started a serious activity pubblishing many videos: tutorial, cover, original songs, instrumental tracks, vlog, guitar lesson, mix advices, documentaries.

My plan was to make video that could create and increase a fan base who will follow me for my music. In second point, I'd like make collaborations in cover or inedit songs. 

Considering that all those video tutorial didn't increase a lot my followers, the channel has changed. Now I upload only what I want, that is original songs, cover and news about my projects.



This social is the most used today, so in 2018 I finally decided to sign up. My goal here is to attract new fans, possibly foreigners.

The limit of 1 minute for video has forced me to reconsider the contents, so now I pubblish some videos exclusively for instagram and others only for youtube. 


Spotify profile born together the digital distribution of my music. I think it's the best platform in which promote cause it's the most used to listen music.

After discovered the collaborative playlist I must say that ratings grew up and that's a good thing.

It's important to be in spotify cause if someone want to listen discograpghy of an artist will go here.


Here I pubblish all other extra production like demo cover, drafts of original songs, improvisations and all the rest that can't be "official". I'm free to put whatever artistic outlet I have and many contents I pubblish remain here, so are exclusively in a way.

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